<aside> <img src="/icons/stars_pink.svg" alt="/icons/stars_pink.svg" width="40px" /> A complete tutorial on artificial intelligence that will motivate you and teach you how to manage your intelligence, will make you think about how to use it for good with lots of examples. Drive with your taste and don't let the artificial future get the better of you. It's time to Drive.

A collection of free artificial intelligences. All the way down to the page.


The AI Revolution: Understanding its Impact on Industries

So just about every single business YouTube channel has sounded the alarm on how AI is going to uproot everything and how we're all basically stupid and they are all wrong. Well, kinda. So, there's three core components that you really need to understand in order to not be left behind when it comes to AI.

<aside> <img src="/icons/flash_pink.svg" alt="/icons/flash_pink.svg" width="40px" /> #1 Real-World Implications: How AI is Reshaping Businesses


<aside> <img src="/icons/flash_pink.svg" alt="/icons/flash_pink.svg" width="40px" /> #2 Making Money with AI: Unleashing its Economic Potential


<aside> <img src="/icons/flash_pink.svg" alt="/icons/flash_pink.svg" width="40px" /> #3 AI's Unique Power: Productizing Human Skills


Firstly, there's the AI Revolution. This revolution is poised to transform various industries, and it's crucial to grasp its significance. The impact of AI is not just limited to theoretical discussions; it's a force that will shape the real world in profound ways. Understanding the dynamics of this revolution is key to seizing opportunities and avoiding pitfalls.

Second, we need to discuss how AI is actually going to affect the real world. It's not enough to know that AI is a game-changer; we must comprehend how it will integrate into our lives and businesses. AI's influence extends beyond individual tasks; it has the potential to revolutionize entire workflows, enhance productivity, and unlock new avenues for growth.

Thirdly, you need to understand how to actually make money with AI. The true potential of AI lies in its ability to generate economic value. By leveraging AI technologies and approaches, businesses can gain a competitive edge, uncover insights, automate processes, and create innovative products and services. Understanding the practical applications of AI and how to harness its power is essential for financial success.

Democratizing AI: Access and Opportunity for All

Now, here's the thing: if we look back through history, every single Turning Point has improved on what was already there. I mean, the plow, for example, simply made farming easier; it didn't uproot the principles of farming itself. Similarly, the printing press made information more easily accessible, but it didn't change the information itself. Even the internet fundamentally allowed brick and mortar businesses to expand to anyone with an internet connection. But how is AI different? Because it is.

AI and Chat GPT: Unlocking Limitless Possibilities

You see, for the first time in history, AI has productized something that is usually unique to humans: skill. One thing most people don't actually quite understand is that AI has been around for many, many years. It's just that we're starting to hear about it now, or to be more accurate, we've really been starting to hear about it since the 30th of November 2022. That's because with tools like Chat GPT, access to AI has now been democratized, and that's a really big change. Because now, anyone can use AI to their advantage or their detriment, depending on their skill level and whether they know how to navigate and how to use it.

AI's Exponential Growth: Harnessing the Power of Technology

Now, Chat GPT can basically do just about any task, and that's already very impressive. But what you really need to keep in mind here is AI's rate of advancement. You see, in Tech, there's a law known as Moore's Law, and this law states that the number of transistors on a microchip will double every two years, or put simply, computer power grows exponentially. Now, if you pair this exponential rate of growth along with AI models that are able to learn by themselves, well then the opportunities are really limitless.

Overcoming Bottlenecks: Maximizing AI's Potential for Success

But as it currently stands, Chat GPT's biggest limit isn't actually the technology or the learning models itself; it's our ability to ask it questions. In other words, at the moment, we're pretty much the biggest bottleneck. However, as our understanding of AI deepens and our interaction methods improve, the true potential of AI will become even more accessible, paving the way for even greater wealth and success.

Preparing for the Rise of AI: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Future

The biggest bottleneck now is one other very big question, especially depending on how conspiratorial you want to get, is how AI is actually going to be governed. Because listen, there's no doubt that AI presents tremendous opportunities as well as tremendous challenges. I mean, some of the world's most prominent leaders have long warned of the dangers of AI, and the CEO of Chat GPT's OpenAI even said himself, "Some robots will kill some humans." So now they have a little bit of understanding for those that maybe didn't understand what this is or where it came from.

Now, let's talk about real-world application, and it's really important to separate the short-term effects with the long-term effects. Because listen, the matter of fact is we don't know where AI is going to be in 10 years. Maybe it kills humans, maybe it doesn't. So rather than speculating, which I personally never like to do with technology because some people have a vision that by 2035 we're all going to be in flying cars and there's going to be ships implanted in all our brains and stuff like that, I just think these things are too hard to predict. So instead, I prefer to analyze the short-term future.

Now, it's funny because a few years ago, everyone thought that once robots or AI went mainstream, physical labor would be the first on the chopping block. Then, once they were replaced, AI would then come for sort of the more white-collar jobs. And then, eventually, at some point, it would take over the creative industry.

Now, as it turns out, it seems as though that order has actually been flipped on its head. I mean, what previously seemed inconceivable is now happening in real-time. AI is actually beating humans in what was thought to be most human creativity. In fact, just a few months ago, we saw an AI win a fine arts competition against other humans. And there are a ton of AI companies sprouting up all over the place, trying to emulate the works of doctors and lawyers. And eventually, once again, we don't know how long it will take, but eventually, it'll probably succeed.

So, to that point, will everything crash and burn? No. But will some people be replaced? Absolutely. And are there things you can do in order to make sure that you do not get replaced or become obsolete? A hundred percent. Because, quite frankly, if you know how to use AI in the right way, you actually have an opportunity to make yourself more valuable than ever before. And I'm going to share that with you in just a few moments. But we do need to pose a question: who will be replaced by AI?

Think about it for a second: would you be more prone to trust an AI doctor that's analyzed millions of cases, patient records, and has access to all medical literature, or just some guy who graduated med school before you were even born and when things in the medical industry were very, very different from what it is today? So, if AI is able to diagnose...